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Lake Tekapo is one of the main tourist attraction in New Zealand. Only in summer, there are heaps of lupines growing wild by the lakeside.

Celebrating Women Who Inspire: National Geographic Learning Honors International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day (March 8) is a global celebration of the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. It is also a call to action for accelerating gender equality. At National Geographic Learning, we take pride in recognizing the contributions of women across all disciplines—whether in Social Studies, Science, Math, English Language Learning, or Career and Technical Education.

Colorful display of fireworks above  the Arakawa River near Kita-Senju in Tokyo, Japan.

Civics Action Project: A PBL Approach to Empowering Students

As I embark on my fourth year having students complete a six-week Civics Action Project, it has become one of my favorite units. The authentic, real-world connections students make, the ownership they take in choosing and leading their projects, and the pride they feel during the showcase make this unit incredibly powerful. I’ve seen students who were previously disengaged suddenly light up with passion when given the chance to support something meaningful to them. It’s the kind of transformation that reminds me why I became a teacher.

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