Cengage Group Recognizes Career and Technical Education Month

Cengage Group Recognizes Career and Technical Education Month

America is experiencing a skills gap with employers struggling to find workers, especially in industries that include technical and trade positions. We’re also seeing learners demand more choice and flexibility in their paths from education to employment. They want to be sure the education they choose leads to a secure, well-paying job. Career and technical education (CTE) could be the answer.

Career Exploration – The Key to Career Success

Career Exploration – The Key to Career Success

How many of us pondered in our early childhood years, “What do I want to be when I grow up?” When asked by a family member, we would enthusiastically shout: “A doctor! A nurse! A teacher! A firefighter! A police officer! A businessperson! A baseball player!” While these professions are honorable and aspirational at this early age, children have little awareness of the vast number of career fields and professional opportunities that exist.